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9 months ago
Alpha Psychology

Too many minds are watery tea; not having steeped in any tradition or linage ... See MoreSee Less

9 months ago
Alpha Psychology

When pressure to confirm is so crushing and dissent is vilified, when those in the group feel compelled to go along with the most vocal members, we have entered the territory of religious zealotry! ... See MoreSee Less

9 months ago
Alpha Psychology

Healthy group norms, like encouraging dissent, can give way to enormous peer pressure and reputational damage, thereby entrenching the views of a small minority. ... See MoreSee Less

9 months ago
Alpha Psychology

‘Group Think’ members of a group overemphasise similar opinion and shut down dissenters. Especially on topics considered to have high moral stakes. ... See MoreSee Less

9 months ago
Alpha Psychology

Dissent and internal criticism are vital! It prevents group members insulating themselves against important and legitimate concerns and questions ... See MoreSee Less

9 months ago
Alpha Psychology

‘The law of group polarisation’ Groups of like minded people, after deliberation with each other, will come to conclusions that are more radical than the beliefs of individual members. ... See MoreSee Less

3 years ago
Alpha Psychology

Religion, in its purest form, explicitly tries to teach people they’re supremely loveable and priceless. Those who’d do away with religion (in its entirety) don’t have a viable substitute! ... See MoreSee Less